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Giuliana Baccino, Past Coordinator

G. Baccino

Giuliana Baccino is a clinical Psychologist and PhD in Health Sciences, with more than 20 years of experience in the reproductive field with special interest in families created by gamete donation treatments. She is currently the Managing Director of NewLifeBank and international advisor for Europe and Latin America in public and private sectors. Giuliana is also lecturer in different Universities of Spain and Latin America, Past Coordinator of the Psychology and Counselling group of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE), co-founder of the Psychology Group of the Spanish Fertility Society (2005), Coordinator of the group in the period 2012-2014 and currently (from 2015) she is also part of the Board of the Ethics Group at the Spanish Fertility Society and Scientific Chairwoman of the European Fertility Society.