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Important insights for nurses/midwives and allied health professionals, working in reproductive health:

psychological aspects of care, endometriosis, quality of care and nursing aspects

ESHRE Campus symposium

Leuven, Belgium

29-30 May 2009


Organised by the ESHRE Special Interest Groups “Endometriosis” and “Safety and Quality in ART” and the ESHRE Paramedical Group


Speakers' hand-outs


Psychological aspects of Child Wish: a brief introduction - U. Van Den Broeck (Belgium)


Emotional adjustment to IVF and online support programme - C. Verhaak (The Netherlands)


Third party reproduction: an update on current psychological insights - P. Baetens (Belgium)


When treatment fails: Psychological aspects of unsuccessful treatment - U. Van Den Broeck (Belgium)


Building the bridge between daily practice and evidence based medicine - J. Kremer (Belgium)


Quality labels: the contribution of nurses and midwifes - C. Spiessens (Belgium) & S. Schildermans (Belgium)


The patients’ perspective on Quality of Fertility care - E. Dancet (Belgium)


Basic insights on Endometriosis for nurses/midwifes: epidemiology, physiopathology, clinical symptoms and signs, management - T. D’Hooghe (Belgium)


Infertility treatment for endometriosis: Laparoscopic Surgery and/or Assisted Reproduction - T. D’Hooghe (Belgium)


Surgical treatment: eye catchers for nurses and midwifes in theatre - C. Meuleman (Belgium)


Patient education on endometriosis - A. Rijkers (Belgium)


The extended role of nurses/midwifes in fertility centers - D. Barber (United Kingdom)


Pain relief in assisted reproductive techniques and midwifery in the reproductive field - A.L. Gejervall (Sweden)


Lifestyle and infertility: insights of a nurse - A. Bolster (The Netherlands)


Daily organization of a fertility centre: Examples from daily practice - E. Bakelants (Belgium),H. Birch (United Kingdom)