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Press releases 2024

Infertility linked to onset of systemic autoimmune rheumatic disease after childbirth

Women who experience infertility but do not use fertility treatments have a higher risk of developing a group of conditions called systemic autoimmune rheumatic diseases (SARD) in the nine years after a naturally conceived birth compared to women without fertility problems.

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Women with premature ovarian insufficiency are at greater risk of severe autoimmune diseases

Severe autoimmune conditions such Type I diabetes, Addison’s disease, lupus and inflammatory bowel disease, are between two to three times more common in women who have been diagnosed with premature ovarian insufficiency (POI) compared to the general population.

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Evidence-based information combats misleading and false claims on the internet and social media about the anti-Mullerian hormone test

Researchers in Australia have found that when women are given accurate information about a test that indicates the number of eggs in their ovaries, they have less interest in taking the test compared to women who viewed information available online.

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Families of men with fertility problems show distinct patterns of increased risk for several types of cancer

For the first time researchers have identified patterns of risk for several different types of cancer in men with fertility problems and their families.

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