Join us in Paris for another remarkable Annual Meeting of ESHRE. Register here!

About ESHRE membership

Membership of the Society is open to all individuals active in the field of reproductive medicine and science including medical doctors, scientists, students and support personnel (such as nurses, midwives, laboratory technicians, counsellors, psychologists, social workers and ESHRE certified clinical embryologists). Since it was founded in 1985, ESHRE has seen its membership increase from 349 to more than 9000 members. Overall, the membership is distributed over 135 different countries around the world. 


Membership of the Society includes

Membership of the Society offers many benefits, including reduced registration fees.
For instance - based on ESHRE 2023 rates - a member who participates in the Annual Meeting will save 150 Euro (VAT exclusive) on the registration for the main programme.
A member will save at least 200 Euro when registering for an ESHRE Campus workshop.


  • Free access to e-Campus, the e-learning platform of ESHRE 
  • Free access to the on-demand courses 6 months after the event date
  • Full access to Focus on Reproduction, the online ESHRE magazine (app and website) 
  • Access to a job board with the latest vacancies for fertility specialists
  • Downloadable slide sets from Campus courses
  • Regular alerts on the latest research from Human Reproduction


  • Reduced registration fees for all ESHRE activities (Annual Meeting, Campus courses, webinars, ...)
  • Exclusive access to top rated ESHRE Journal subscriptions


Membership categories

There are two different membership categories:  

 Applies to

1 year

3 yrs

 1. Ordinary

 Individuals with a medical degree (MD)
or higher scientific degree (i.e. PhD, M.Sc.)



 2. Allied professionals and students (*)

              nurses / midwives,
laboratory technicians / clinical embryologists (BSc level),
counsellors / psychologists / social workers,
undergraduate, graduate and medical students residents & research trainees



(*) If you apply for category 2 membership, you will be requested to send a proof of status. Please make sure you have it close before your start filling the online application form. If you have to send it later to complete your file, you can do so by e-mail. Allied professionals and students need to send a confirmation letter from their Head of Department to prove their status or a copy of their student card showing the expiration date. Embryologists have to register at the ordinary membership fee unless we receive a letter in which their Head of Department confirms they work in a routine environment as a lab technician. You can download and use this template

If we do not receive a proper proof of status within 2 weeks after the membership application is submitted, your application will be cancelled. 

Please allow 2 days up to one week for your membership to be (re-)activated. 

To avoid the process of having to renew your membership every year, ESHRE offers its members the possibility of signing up as a member for three years. This means that when you renew your membership, you pay a fee of 180 Euro (3 x 60 Euro instead of 3 x 70 Euro) for ordinary membership or 90 Euro (3 x 30 Euro) for Allied professional and student membership. Your membership will then be activated for three consecutive years.