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ART Lab Performance Indicators

The Vienna Consensus: Report of an Expert Meeting on the Development of ART Laboratory Performance Indicators

ART Lab Performance IndicatorsIn the setting of a clinical laboratory, quality indicators are necessary for systematically monitoring and evaluating the laboratory’s contribution to patient care and they represent an important element within the Quality Management System (QMS) (ESHRE Guideline Group on Good Practice in IVF Labs et al., 2016). 

As there are no established performance indicators for ART laboratories, and there is very little published evidence on the topic, the ESHRE SIG Embryology and Alpha Scientist in reproductive medicine set up a project and organised an international expert meeting.

The report of the meetings presents the consensus on definitions and recommended competency and benchmark values for 19 Indicators for the ART Laboratory.

The report was approved by the ESHRE ExCo and is simultaneous published in HROpen and Reproductive Biomedicine Online. 

Read the report >