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Health and safety of donors and recipients


ESHRE Contributor:

Carlos Calhaz-Jorge, Portugal, ESHRE ExCo Chairman Elect

TRANSfusion and transplantation: PrOtection and SElection of donors (TRANSPOSE)

This project contributed to harmonising European donor selection and protection policies related to SoHO donations (Substances of Human Origin) whilst keeping adequate health & safety protection of the recipient. The initiative lasted 30 months (September 2017 - March 2020).

More specifically, the project aimed at constructing risk-based guidelines for the selection and protection of donors with the assistance of a massive pool of experts.

TRANSPOSE developed a standard Donor Health Questionnaire, which can be used widely and will enable comparisons between Member States on the prevalence of specific risks and risky behaviours throughout Europe.

The outcomes of TRANSPOSE will assist EU Member States to implement policies in a clearly defined way, and may facilitate the process of revising related EU Directives.
ESHRE was present as a Collaborating partner.