Session 23: European and Global ART Monitoring (presentation of the EIM and ICMART data reports)
D. Adamson (U.S.A.)
ICMART World Report: Preliminary data for 2009 |
S.J. Dyer (South Africa)
ICMARTs role in national registries: the South Africa story |
Session 24: Culture media. Growing faster growing better?
T. Adeniyi (United Kingdom)
What makes a medium a good medium |
A. Van Montfoort (The Netherlands)
Time for being proactive |
Session 25: ASRM exchange session - Genetic and metabolic consequences for fertility in men and women
D.J. Lamb (U.S.A.)
Genetic and other controversies in the infertile male |
Session 26: Paramedical invited session – Laboratory: The embryo-endometrial interface – role in implantation/developmental success
H. Van de Velde (Belgium)
The contribution of the embryo |
N. Macklon (United Kingdom)
The contribution of the endometrium |
Press conference 2
D. Stoop (Belgium)
Egg banking for social reasons: women feel positive about it, even though many believe they will never use the eggs they have stored |
L. Stocker (United Kingdom)
Women working shifts are at greater risk of miscarriage, menstrual disruption and subfertility |
E. Groeneveld (The Netherlands)
Women who give birth to multiple babies after IVF are at higher risk of breast cancer than mothers of singletons and those who remain childless |
C. Williams (United Kingdom)
Large UK population study finds no increased cancer risk in children born after assisted conception |
Session 27: Genes and chromosomes in oocytes and embryos
L. Hyslop (United Kingdom)
Blastocyst formation, cell proliferation, and NANOG expression are not comprised by cleavage stage vitrification using a closed system |
K. Wong (The Netherlands)
Factors correlated with aneuploidy in human preimplantation embryos |
Session 29: Ovarian stimulation
D. Bodri (Hungary)
Cumulative live birth rates following minimal ovarian stimulation/natural cycle IVF and single embryo transfer in unselected infertile patients: a 3-year, single-centre, Japanese cohort study |
W. Verpoest (Belgium)
The effect of the type of ovarian stimulation protocol on PGD results: a prospective randomised trial |
N. Weiss (The Netherlands)
Continued treatment with clomiphene citrate in subfertile women with World Health Organization type II anovulation who are not pregnant after six ovulatory cycles |
E. Groeneveld (The Netherlands)
Increased breast cancer risk after multiple implantation in IVF: a cohort study |
Session 30: Fertility preservation for medical and non-medical indications
H. Roness (Israel)
Cyclophosphamide triggers follicle activation causing ovarian reserve 'burn out'; AS101 prevents follicle loss and preserves fertility |
D. Stoop (Belgium)
Oocyte banking for anticipated gamete exhaustion (AGE): a follow-up study |
L. Parmegiani (Italy)
Rapid warming increases survival rate of slow frozen (SF) oocytes; randomised controlled study on sibling human oocytes |
K. Winkler (Austria)
Dynamic perifusion culture initiates in vivo-like early follicular growth in prepubertal murine ovarian tissue |
A. Stein (Israel)
A novel method for cryopreservation of very low count human spermatozoa |
Session 31: PGD/PGS
M. Vega (U.S.A.)
Euploid embryos are far more likely to undergo blastulation than aneuploid embryos when based on single blastomere array Comparative Genomic Hybridization (CGH) |
F. Fiorentino (Italy)
Preimplantation genetic screening on day 3 embryos using array comparative genomic hybridization in patients with advanced maternal age: a prospective double blinded randomized controlled trial |
H. Ghevaria (United Kingdom)
Non-reciprocal errors and germinal mosaicism detected by the application of array-CGH to oocytes and polar bodies unexposed to sperm |
S. Morin (U.S.A.)
Is cohort size of euploid blastocysts following comprehensive chromosomal screening predictive of improved outcomes in single embryo transfer cycles |
P. Mir Pardo (Spain)
Re-analysis of whole day-5 embryos using the same arrayCGH platform used for day-3 diagnosis showed a high confirmation rate |
Session 32: Stem cells and translational research
R. Anderson (United Kingdom)
Evaluation of oogonial stem cells and neo-oogenesis in ovaries of girls and women with Turner Syndrome: a pilot study |
I. Virant - Klun (Slovenia)
Borderline ovarian cancer: induced by small putative ovarian stem cells resembling very small embryonic-like stem cells? |
C. Beyazyurek (Turkey)
Successful hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (hsct) in 39 children from healthy siblings conceived after preimplantation human leukocyte antigen (hla) typing |
O. Oktem (Turkey)
Real-time analysis of the growth of human granulosa cells using an impedance-based signal processing system: a new technology for translational research in human reproduction |
Merck Serono Company Symposium: Breakthrough innovation in ART: Science and technologies beyond drugs to maximize success for the benefit of the patients.
F. Ubaldi (Italy)
Clinical Strategies to Maximize Success in ART |
Session 33: Chlamydia trachomatis and tubal infertility, modern insights and lessons from outside reproductive medicine
J.A. Land (The Netherlands)
How does Chlamydia trachomatis cause tubal infertility? |
Session 34: Why sex is good
S. Repping (The Netherlands)
Evolution of sexual reproduction |
J. Turner (United Kingdom)
Meiosis: A highly risky cell division |
Session 35: Paramedical selected oral session - Nursing
E. Dancet (Belgium)
Gaps in fertility patients’ knowledge about the effect of age and lifestyle on pregnancy and miscarriage rates after spontaneous and after medically assisted conception |
V. De Fr*ne (Belgium)
A study of the health-related quality of life in overweight and obese adult women with the polycystic ovary syndrome during a lifestyle modification program |
D. Barber (United Kingdom)
Women's experiences of antenatal services following In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF): a qualitative study |
Session 37: Historical lecture
E.G. Hughes (Canada)
The history of reproduction through ART – a visual journey from caves to chromosomes |
Session 38: Managing relationship through infertility (Organised by Fertility Europe)
H.S. Olafsdottir (Iceland)
Love, sex and infertility. The art of growing as a couple when dealing with infertility |
E. Bor (The Netherlands)
Surviving Infertility: How I never became a dad, but still going strong with my wife |
T. Child (United Kingdom)
Ending fertility treatment- when, why and how should clinicians advise our patients? |
Session 39: Paramedical invited session - Laboratory
A. Wetzels (The Netherlands)
Is there a future for sperm morphology? |
Session 40: Embryo metabolism
A. Chatzimeletiou (Greece)
Metabolic profile of the human embryo and its association with chromosomal abnormalities |
A. Elaimi (United Kingdom)
The effect of GM-CSF on murine embryo development, aneuploidy, DNA fragmentation and morphokinetic parameters analysed using EmbryoScope™ |
S. Kleijkers (The Netherlands)
Ammonium accumulates in IVF culture medium but this does not affect the birth weight of the newborn |
J.G. Thompson (Australia)
BMP-15 supplementation to COCs during bovine IVM alters intra-oocyte metabolism by altering the source of NADPH production |
Session 42: Ethical aspects of ART
H. Darby (United Kingdom)
Medical frontiers: debating mitochondria replacement |
I. Raes (Belgium)
Genetic relatedness as one step ahead: how lesbian couples deal with the presence of a single genetic link |
A. Smajdor (United Kingdom)
Redefining reproduction |
A. Ravelingien (Belgium)
The right to know your genetic parents: from open-identity gamete donation to universal paternity testing |
Session 43: Spermatogenesis - the new knowledge
K.M. Wan (United Kingdom)
Dysfunctional spermatogenesis in sickle cell disease and thalassaemia |
L. Harvey (U.S.A.)
Origin of DNA fragmentation: pre- or post-spermiogenesis |
Session 44: Long term outcome of ART
A. Pinborg (Denmark)
Risk of cancer in children and young adults born after IVF – a Nordic cohort study from the CoNARTaS group |
C. Cesta (Sweden)
Psychological distress and involuntary childlessness in women: a register-based Swedish cohort study |
S. Gameiro (United Kingdom)
Correlates of long-term psychosocial adjustment and mental-health care consumption of 7148 women who did infertility treatment |
Session 45: Clinical female infertility
K. Peeraer (Belgium)
Effect of controlled ovarian stimulation with low dose human menopausal gonadotrophin or clomiphene on reproductive outcome after intrauterine insemination: a prospective, multicenter randomized trial |
S. Puri (India)
The impact of Uterine Artery Embolization (UAE) on subsequent fertility when used as a substitute for invasive operations like myomectomy and in obstetrical emergencies |
C. Herbemont (France)
Clinical predictive criteria for live birth following elective single embryo transfer |
J. Bellver (Spain)
Obesity and impaired uterine receptivity: clinical experience from 9,587 first cycles of ovum donation |
Session 46: Epigenetics in reproductive health
Y. Tang (China)
Aberrant DNA methylation of GRB10 gene in human spontaneous abortions after assisted reproduction techniques and natural conception |
K. Sadek (United Kingdom)
Maternal high fat diet during pregnancy impacts on markers of folliculogenesis in the offspring |
K. Swann (United Kingdom)
The effect of different ovarian stimulation protocols on imprinted gene expression and live birth rates in mice |
Session 47: Reproductive surgery
S. Amer (United Kingdom)
Long-term reproductive performance after surgery for ovarian endometrioma |
V. Asfour (United Kingdom)
Predictors for ovarian histological preservation after ovarian torsion, and the possible impact on future fertility |
Y. Cheong (United Kingdom)
To lyse or not to lyse: results from a randomized controlled trial of adhesiolysis versus diagnostic laparoscopy in women with chronic pelvic pain |
Session 48: Challenges of AMH studies
C. Fitzgerald (United Kingdom)
AMH assays: a review of the literature on assay method comparability |
X. Han (Australia)
Pre-mixing samples with assay buffer is an essential pre-requisite for reproducible Antimullerian Hormone (AMH) measurement using the Beckman Coulter Gen II assay (Gen II) |
M. Caanen (The Netherlands)
Anti-mullerian hormone serum levels decrease in female to male transsexual women using testosterone as cross-sex therapy |
Session 49: Protecting and choosing good sperm
R. Gualtieri (Italy)
Treatment of bovine spermatozoa with antioxidants improves embryo production in vitro |
R. Talevi (Italy)
Treatment with zinc, d-aspartate and coenzyme q10 protects human spermatozoa in vitro |
A. Thijssen (Belgium)
Influence of temperature and preparation techniques on sperm quality |
R. Zeirideen Zaid (United Kingdom)
The potential use of consecutive ejaculates for gaining better quality sperm during fertility treatment |
Session 50: Reproduction and society
I. Scholten (The Netherlands)
Do randomized clinical trials in reproductive medicine compare strategies or treatment cycles - a systematic sample review |
Session 51: Fertility awareness
E. Koert (Canada)
"I wish I had known!" - supporting informed reproductive and childbearing-decisions for women and men |
L.E. Bunting (United Kingdom)
The impact of personalising fertility risk information: double blind randomised control trial measuring attentional allocation and physiological reactions to presenting risk information to young women |
I. Daly (United Kingdom)
“I kinda thought it was something if you wanted to do, you could just do it”: women’s understanding of IVF efficacy - implications for clinical practice |