Two giants in reproductive medicine, one extraordinary event. Register now for the 'Best of' in Lisbon.

Webcast Monday

Press conference 1

R. Hart (Australia)
Early life and in utero factors found to influence testicular function in adulthood  
I. Souter (U.S.A.)
Adverse effects of phthalates on ovarian response to IVF  
G. Pennings (Belgium)
Egg donation in European clinics: why do women do it?  
E. Klerkx (Belgium)
IVF for 200 euro per cycle. First real-life proof of principle that IVF is feasible and effective for developing countries  


Session 02: From oocyte to blastocyst

S. Montgomery (United Kingdom)
Does the duration of compaction differ in fragmented cleavage stage embryos that become euploid or aneuploidy blastocysts  
P. Scaruffi (Italy)
DNA profiling of culture medium as a novel, non-invasive tool for embryo assessment  
J. Menezes (Sweden)
Transfer of day 4 vitrified-warmed embryos yields equally good clinical outcomes as compared to blastocysts vitrified on days 5 or 6  
X. Yang (China)
The effects of mice maternal obesity on embryo quality and on embryo vitrification injury  


Session 03: The impact of new clinical evidence in (early) pregnancy

N. Rogenhofer (Germany)
No benefit of low molecular weight heparin in recurrent pregnancy loss – results of the ETHIG II study  
S. Sur (United Kingdom)
How does IVF and the number of embryos transferred affect first trimester growth  


Session 04: PCOS

M. Hendriks (The Netherlands)
Integral reproductive hormone profiles before and after laparoscopic ovarian laser evaporation in PCOS; a prospective controlled study  
V. Grigorescu (U.S.A.)
Maternal characteristics and pregnancy outcomes among women undergoing Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) by infertility diagnosis: polycystic ovary syndrome versus tubal obstruction  
R. Soleman (The Netherlands)
The influence of sex steroids on the neuronal correlates of working memory in women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome  


Session 05: Sperm factors influencing ART outcome

M. Hessel (The Netherlands)
Novel detection of intratubular germ cell neoplasia in non-obstructive azoospermia using OCT3/4 and PLAP in AgarCytos of testicular sperm extraction specimens  
F. Bourroul (Brazil)
Evaluating the etiopathogenic factors of DNA damage in sperm with large nuclear vacuoles  
N. Inoue (Japan)
Is morphologically selected sperm injection with ejaculated spermatozoa useful for non-selected patients  
I. Heilikman (France)
Motile sperm organellar morphology examination (MSOME): interest to predict clinical outcome of ICSI  


Session 06: Endometriosis

B. Chakravarty (India)
Interleukin-8 in follicular fluid – a promising prognostic marker for IVF success in women with endometriosis  
A. Colicchia (Italy)
Low molecular weight heparin versus cardioaspirin in embryo implantation in women undergoing ICSI without inherited trombophilia: a randomized pilot study  
C. Scala (Italy)
Endometriotic ovarian cysts do not negatively affect the rate of spontaneous ovulation  
N. Rahmioglu (United Kingdom)
Identification of sex-specific pleiotropic loci underlying endometriosis and obesity-related traits  


Session 07: Female infertility: new developments

A. Herreboudt (United Kingdom)
Investigating the role of kisspeptin signalling in ovulation and placentation  
A. Anast‡cio (France)
Comparative proteomic analysis of proteins identified at three different stages of ovarian follicles during in vitro development in mice  
A. Bensdorp (The Netherlands)
Preliminary comparative effectiveness of IVF with single embryo transfer or IVF in the modified natural cycle and IUI with hyperstimulation; a randomized trial (INeS trial)  

Session 08: Advances in fertility preservation for severe diseases

S. Schlatt (Germany)
Advances in fertility preservation for boys and men  


Session 09: ESHRE data reporting on PGD cycles and oocyte donation

J. Traeger-Synodinos (Greece)
Data from the ESHRE PGD Consortium  
F. Shenfield (United Kingdom)
Introduction to the study of the ESHRE Cross Border Reproductive Care (CRBC) task force (TF)  
J. De Mouzon (France)
Oocyte donors in Europe: who are they?  


Session 10: Fertility Society of Australia exchange lecture

J. Conaghan (U.S.A.)
Embryos with good morphology but abnormal cell divisions have significantly lower implantation potential  


Session 11: Paramedical invited session - Nursing

A.N. Andersen (Denmark)
Fertility assessment and counselling in normal women and men  
E. Lowndes Stevenson (U.S.A.)
Psychological stress in women who have conceived pregnancies via in-vitro fertilization  


Session 12: Regulation of sperm motility by the female tract and oocyte: messages and signals (MHR session)

S. Publicover (United Kingdom)
Controlling how sperm swim: Ca2+ signals, Ca2+ stores and Ca2+ channels  


Session 13: Gathering evidence in early pregnancy research – Making trials happen

D. Jurkovic (United Kingdom)
Pregnancy of unknown location. Solving the puzzle  


Session 14: Paramedical selected oral session - Laboratory

J. Robben (The Netherlands)
Sperm selection in TESE: which parameters affect the pregnancy rate after ICSI?  
M. Abraham (Belgium)
Impact of spermatozoon position in the oocyte after ICSI on survival, fertilization and top-quality blastocyst development in the human  
B. Desmet (Belgium)
Evaluation of the frozen embryo stock and destination of the frozen embryos in a large scale cryopreservation program  


Session 15: Embryo and culture environment

K. Kirkegaard (Denmark)
Metabolic profiles of spent culture media does not predict pregnancy outcome  
H. Wolff (U.S.A.)
Complex protein supplements used for embryo culture contain high levels of amino acids and metals and delay timing of early cleavage events in mouse embryos  
E. Scalici (France)
Apolipoprotein B in follicular fluid, a new predictive factor of success parameters in assisted reproductive technology  
S. Drury (United Kingdom)
Leptin stimulates activation of STAT3 in human blastocysts  


Session 16: Innovations in reproductive genetics

J. Aizpurua (Spain)
Breakthrough/innovative approach: first genetic matching assay in an oocyte donation program using preconceptional screening arrays (Recombine™)  
J. Li (China)
Clinical application of massively parallel sequencing on chromosomal abnormalities detection of human blastocysts  
D. Wells (United Kingdom)
A novel embryo screening technique provides new insights into embryo biology and yields the first pregnancies following genome sequencing  


Session 17: Promises of AMH

O. Chausiaux (United Kingdom)
Is ovarian reserve a good marker of spontaneous conception in infertile women? A retrospective study of natural conception in 1551 women trying to conceive  
A. De Kat (The Netherlands)
Serum AMH levels and circulating progenitor cells in women with type 1 diabetes; the role of vascular function in ovarian aging  


Session 18: Lifestyle dangers for men’s fertility

J.B.A. Oliveira (Brazil)
The effects of age on sperm quality: an evaluation of 1,500 semen samples  
N. DokuzeylŸl GŸng*r (Turkey)
The role of paternal age on assisted reproduction outcome  
C. Jordan (Australia)
The prevalence and awareness of relevant modifiable lifestyle factors within a population of six hundred patients presenting for infertility treatment comparing questionnaire and interview data  

Session 19: Psychology and counselling

U. Van den Broeck (Belgium)
Depression, relationship satisfaction and sexual functioning improve after laparoscopic surgery for moderate and severe endometriosis with and without bowel resection  
M. Martins (Portugal)
The impact of marital stability and re-partnering on infertility-related stress trajectories over 5 years of unsuccessful fertility treatment  
D. Huppelschoten (The Netherlands)
The relation between dropout and patient-centredness in fertility care  


Session 20: The ovary in female infertility

P. Temple-Smith (Australia)
Can birth hypoxia affect ovarian follicular reserve  
J. Giles (Spain)
Comparative study about ART outcome in patients with Turner´s syndrome using own oocytes with preimplantational genetic screening or ovum donation  
M. Cohen Bacrie (France)
Caffeine intake does not affect female ovarian reserve. Analysis of a cohort of 1963 consecutive blood samples evaluating hormonal ovarian status  

Session 21: Assessing the polycystic ovary (Clinical tutorial)

S. Jonard (France)
Defining the PCOS by ultrasound of the ovary  


Session 22: Advanced methods of assessing sperm quality

K. McEleny (United Kingdom)
The clinical andrological perspective on diagnosis and treatment of male infertility