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ESHRE Educational tracks


Discover the power of online learning

Developed by our Special Interest Groups (SIGs), ESHREs educational tracks provide a collection of essential information on specific topics.

Browse our collection of almost 20 tracks currently available on eCampus and select those that addresses your learning needs. In a few clicks, you can start your learning journey, deepen your understanding and expand your horizons.

Registration fees per track

The following fees apply (exclusive 21% Belgian VAT):
 Member of ESHRE

 50 Euro
 Allied professional /
 student Member

 25 Euro

 250 Euro

Registration includes:

  • Full access to the educational track on eCampus
  • Certificate of attendance when all courses of the track are completed

Please note!

  • The registration fees are non-refundable
  • All prices mentioned are in Euro and exclusive 21% Belgian VAT
  • Payment can be made by credit card.
  • Information about ESHRE membership and its other benefits can be found here

Free trial

We have created an educational track of the essential knowledge webinar series, which is freely accessible for ESHRE members.