Celebrate with us the 40th anniversary of our Annual Meeting. Register here for ESHRE 2024.

Course description

Course type


Course description

The course will consider the simultaneous application of embryological and genetic tools for the assessment of gametes and embryos. In focus will be oocyte and sperm assessment, approaches early embryogenesis, embryo development and competence, embryonic whole genome sequencing, and multi-omics, and all within the context of the updated European regulatory framework.


Target audience

Embryologists, reproductive physicians, geneticists, nurses, counselors


Educational needs and expected educational outcomes

We are witnessing extraordinary growth in the technologies and methodologies we use for gamete and embryo assessment. During this Campus course, we aim to:

  • Provide insight into traditional and innovative techniques now applied in both the ART lab and the genetics lab;
  • Present advanced research tools for the study of early embryogenesis;
  • Discuss the embryological and genetic definition of the incompetent embryo;
  • Suggest tips and tricks for invasive and non-invasive embryo assessment.


Participants are expected to learn and familiarise themselves with established and new laboratory technologies in both IVF and reproductive genetics laboratories used for the diagnosis of infertility and for improving ART.


Innovative aspects of the course

In most sessions, embryological tools and genetic tools will be discussed in a debate format. The aim is still the same: How to assess the gamete and embryo competence in a continuously developing field of reproductive medicine.


Educational methods

  • Lectures
  • Discussions


The official language of the course is English.