Two giants in reproductive medicine, one extraordinary event. Register now for the 'Best of' in Lisbon.

Course description

Course type


Course description

During the last 40 years, IVF has changed from an experimental therapy to a routine treatment or infertility. This has resulted in a need to ensure care standards are of the highest quality. This course aims to provide an overview of strategies to optimise IVF treatment to maximise live birth rates and minimise the risk of pregnancy complications. Essential in this process is effective communication with patients. Apart from lectures, this course will present a variety of clinical challenges that will be solved together with the audience.


Target audience

IVF physicians, clinic managers and directors, embryologists.


Educational needs and expected educational outcomes

The course fills gaps in knowledge on IVF success and complication rates by providing the most recent evidence on clinical outcomes; patient communication; and legal and financial issues.

Upon completion of the workshop, applicants should be able to describe current aspects of success rates and pregnancy complications after IVF treatment for both mother and baby; and communicate effectively with patients. In addition, they will have learned how to work together with the patient to reach treatment decisions and to recognise the importance of tailoring fertility treatments to each patient’s unique circumstances.


Innovative aspects of the course

This workshop incorporates the elements that are essential for modern IVF practice, namely a grasp of patient preferences; clinical success rates and complications from treatment; legal and financial aspects; a collaborative approach to communication with the patient. In addition to lectures, the interactive troubleshooting and clinical case session will feature examples for discussion.


Educational methods

  • Lectures
  • Case presentations
  • (Case) discussions


The official language of the course is English.