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Course description

Course type


Course description

Having - or conceiving - a child is a very important project for many people. This is why those with fertility problems have always sought out ways to increase their chance of success. Advances in science have made many new approaches available alongside traditional methods, and developments in biomedicine, genetics and artificial intelligence (AI) are also showing promise.


Target audience

Physicians, embryologists, nurses, geneticists, social scientists


Educational needs and expected educational outcomes

This campus workshop will highlight the huge variety of possibilities which currently exist, from low-tech methods to extremely sophisticated interventions.

The workshop on low and high-tech fertility treatments brings together experts from various countries to explore innovative aspects in the field. Topics range from traditional and complementary medicine for improving fertility to the efficacy of psychological interventions and the use of internet-based therapies. The campus also delves into cutting-edge advancements, including AI in preimplantation genetic testing, automation in the embryology lab, and emerging technologies in fertility treatments. Additionally, discussions on uterine transplantation, stem cell-based embryo models, and the ethical considerations of technologies like CRISPR provide a glimpse into the future of fertility treatments.


Innovative aspects

Showcases new data and learning on existing and emerging science around improving the odds of pregnancy and live birth.


Educational methods

  • Lectures
  • Discussions


The official language of the course is English.