Abstract submission

All abstracts had to be be submitted with the online submission form, and arrive at the ESHRE Central Office by Monday, 3 February 2025 at 11:59 CET (noon) at the latest.  Abstracts sent by e-mail, fax or post will be ignored. Please read the on-line instructions carefully before submitting your abstract.

Topic choice

Authors are urged to carefully consider the list of topics, before indicating the single most appropriate topic for their abstract.


Prepare a minimum of at least two, maximum five keywords. 


You will be asked to enter a short bio, please have it ready. 

After submission

All abstracts will be reviewed anonymously, without the names and affiliations of the authors.
Authors are requested to indicate their preference for:

  • oral presentation only
  • oral/poster presentation
  • poster presentation only

on the abstract submission form. Abstracts submitted for oral/poster presentation, that are not selected for oral communication may be redirected to the poster sessions. The decisions of the selection committee are final. All accepted abstracts and the index of authors will be published in an abstract book, which will be a monograph to the Human Reproduction Journals.