Two giants in reproductive medicine, one extraordinary event. Register now for the 'Best of' in Lisbon.


PGD and PGS: past, present and future. A celebration Campus event to mark the 20th anniversary of the PGD Consortium

A celebration Campus event to mark the 20th anniversary of the PGD Consortium organised in Brussels, December 2017

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Webinar on trophectoderm biopsy

16 December 2016 



All about preconception, preimplantation and prenatal genetic testing

ESHRE/ESHG Campus Symposium organised by the ESHRE SIG Reproductive Genetics and the European Society of Human Genetics
Maastricht, The Netherlands
13-15 April 2016



Workshop on emerging technologies 

ESHRE Campus
Prague, Czech Republic
12-13 September 2013



Basic genetics for ART practitioners 

ESHRE Campus symposium
Bucharest, Romania
9 September 2011 



Approaching accreditation of a PGD centre

ESHRE Campus symposium
London, United Kingdom
22-23 March 2010




2007, Steering Committee meeting, University College London

2nd Steering

from back left to right: Alan Thornhill, Veerle Goosens, Sjoerd Repping, Karen Sermon, Paul Scriven, Katerina Vesela,Christine deDie and front left to right; Sioban SenGupta, Joyce Harper, Joanne Traeger-Synodinos, Celine Moutou

1st Steering Committee, 1997, ESHRE Central Office

1st Steering

from left to right: Catherine Staessens, Joep Geraedts, Karen Sermon, Joyce Harper, Stephane Viville, Inge Liebaers and Alan Handyside