Julia Uraji

Julia Uraji is a German/Swiss research scientist and PhD student. She completed her MSci in Biomedical Sciences at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland, with a keen focus on developmental biology. During this five-year degree, she conducted a one-year project researching mouse embryogenesis in Dr. Alexander Aulehla’s laboratory at EMBL, and completed her honours project in the lab of Dr. Jonathan Pettitt. In 2016, she began her doctoral studies in Dr. Melina Schuh’s Department of Meiosis at Göttingen’s Max-Planck-Institute for Biophysical Chemistry. Since October 2018, she has been running Dr. Schuh's satellite laboratory at the Bourn Hall Clinic in Cambridgeshire, where she has researched mechanisms of human meiosis in immature eggs donated from patients.
I have always been fascinated by biology, in particular reproductive biology, development, and genetics. I originally started studying developmental biology in Aberdeen with the goal of becoming an embryologist. During my studies, I also found a passion for basic biological research, and therefore decided to pursue a PhD. In Dr. Schuh's laboratory, I have been able to research many fascinating aspects of mammalian meiosis and early development. I have also developed a strong interest for science communication, and have been involved with events such as March for Science. I strongly believe that science and medicine work best when shared within the scientific community, and to the public. In particular in the field of reproductive medicine, knowledge is power, and it is our job as the experts to make sure patients have access to the best care and technology. Once I finish my PhD in the next months, I look forward to using my knowledge and skills in an even more patient-oriented manner, such as working in an IVF clinic or similar setting. At ESHRE 2019, I look forward to using my role as Young Ambassador to highlight some of the amazing humans that contribute amazing work to ESHRE and the field of reproductive medicine.