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Precongress Courses

On Sunday 3 July 2016 thirteen Precongress Courses were organised by ESHRE's Special Interest Groups on a variety of subjects. 

The syllabi can be downloaded by ESHRE members and registered participants. They have to login and reload the page to access them.

Precongress Course 1

The multiple choices (sides) of IVF

Embryology  organised by the Special Interest Group Embryology 

 download syllabus 

Precongress Course 2

Managing the difficult IVF patient: facts and fiction

Reproductive Endocrinology organised by the Special Interest Group Endocrinology

download syllabus 

Precongress Course 3

The management of myoma in women wishing to preserve reproductive function

Reproductive Surgery  organised by the Special Interest Group Reproductive Surgery


   download syllabus 

Precongress Course 4

ART in 2020: the next frontier

Safety and quality in ART Stem Cells   organised by the Special Interest Groups Safety and Quality in ART and Stem Cells


download syllabus 

Precongress Course 5

Epigenetics: Connecting health to lifestyle and the laboratory

Paramedical Group 
 organised by the Paramedical Group


    download syllabus 

Precongress Course 6

What happens in utero lasts a lifetime: a multi-disciplinary approach to improving preconception and early pregnancy care
Early Pregnancy  Ethics and Law  organised by the Special Interest Groups Early pregnancy, Socio cultural aspects of (in)fertility and Ethics & Law

download syllabus 


Precongress Course 7

Endometriosis – getting research from bench to bedside

  organised by the Special Interest Group Endometriosis and Endometrium 


   download syllabus 

Precongress Course 8

The impact of exercise, sport and doping on human fertility

Andrology  organised by the Special Interest Group Andrology


download syllabus 

Precongress Course 9

Genetics and epigenetics behind subfertility and reproductive system disease

organised by the Special Interest Group Reproductive Genetics


 download syllabus 

Precongress Course 10

Complex cases in infertility counselling: discovering new territories, implementing new techniques and creating new conversations
Psychology and Counselling  organised by the Special Interest Group Psychology and

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Precongress Course 11

Academic Authorship Programme
How to survive peer review?

  organised by the Editors of Human Reproduction journals 

 download syllabus 

Precongress Course 12

Procedure and technique for embryo transfer in humans

ASRM Exchange course

download syllabus 

Precongress Course 13

Eight technical innovations designed to improve reproductive outcome: promising or sobering facts?

MEFS  Middle East Fertility Society Exchange course 

 download syllabus