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Training organisation and programme

1. Training

a. The training programme should be organised within a multidisciplinary MAR Centre or Reproductive Medicine department and should be organised by a sub-specialist or an accredited sub-specialist with minimum of 5 years of experience in the field.

b. Training programme should be based on ESHRE Reproductive Medicine syllabus as minimum of requirements for programme (or Centres syllabus covering similar training modules as ESHRE syllabus).

c. The training programme can be combined between two or more MAR Centres (or Healthcare Institutions), if one Centre cannot provide a complete training programme. During the application, the main training Centre should provide a MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) to show that there is a collaboration with other MAR Centres in providing a complete training programme.

d. Training progress (or performed training or whatever you decide) should be presented in ESHRE logbook fulfilled by each Fellow.

e. The training Centre should use guidelines and protocols finalised by National professional bodies reviewed at regular intervals or in case there is none, applicable ESHRE guidelines and recommendations.

f. The number of training positions should be strictly regulated by the Centre according work flow in order to provide sufficient expertise.

g. Training as a sub-specialist in Reproductive Medicine does not imply an exclusive activity in that field during training period; however, time for training should be adequately prolonged to reach desired/proper level of competence.


2. Training and involvement

Training should be directed with clearly defined targets and towards achieving competence. An educational plan should be drawn up in consultation with the Fellow at the beginning of each year and progress should be monitored regularly by mean of the Logbook (fulfilled and printed every 6 months before scheduled audit by Tutor).
For outsourced training, appointed Tutors in those Centres sign the Logbook confirming fulfilled level of Fellow competence.
Fellows should participate in all clinical activities and in educational activities, including the teaching of other health professionals. Participation in audit and clinical or basic research is essential for the completion of training programme.


3. Duration and content of training

Duration of subspeciality training should include a minimum of two years in an approved programme and should cover the clinical and research aspects of the following areas:

  1. Reproductive endocrinology (general and gynaecological endocrinology).
  2. Medical Assisted Reproductive (MAR) procedures.
  3. Laboratory (embryology and genetics).
  4. Andrology.
  5. Reproductive surgery.
  6. Early pregnancy and Implantation.
  7. Fertility preservation

The training has to be accompanied by acquiring of theoretical knowledge and practical competence.