Page 283 - ESHRE2019
P. 283
P-531 Follicle Diameter Predicts Oocyte Maturity and Blastocyst Formation but not Blastocyst Euploidy
D. McCulloh1, N. Kutchukhidze2, T. Charkviani3, T. Zhorzholadze2, T. Barbakadze3, S. Munné4, L. Chkonia5 1New York Univerisity Langone Health, NYU Fertility Center, New York- New York, U.S.A.
2ReproART: Georgian American Center for Reproductive Medicine, Embryology, Tbilisi, Georgia 3ReproART: Georgian American Center for Reproductive Medicine, Reproductive Endocrinology,
Tbilisi, Georgia
4Overture Life, Administration, New York, U.S.A.
5ReproART: Georgian American Center for Reproductive Medicine, Administration, Tbilisi, Georgia
P-532 Karyotype analysis of blastocyst chromosomes derived from three pronuclear fertilized embryos using preimplantation genetic testing-aneuploidy (PGT-A)
Y. Kaneko1, Y. Matsui1, S. Tsuchiya1, A. Iizumi1, A. Wada1, K. Itakura1, K. Nishimura1, T. Ozaki1, Y. Tamura2, M. Santo2, Y. Araki2,3, M. Nishimura1
1Nishimura Women’s Clinic, Private Clinic, Hamamatsu, Japan 2Nippon Reprogenetics Inc, ART laboratory, Maebashi, Japan 3Gunma Paz College, School of Medical Technology, Takasaki, Japan
P-533 Does the oocyte vitrification affect the aneuploidy and mosaicism rate in the blastocysts?
R. Morales Sabater1, B. Lledo1, J.A. Ortiz1, F. Lozano1, J. Guerrero2, L. Herrero3, L. Cascales3, J. Llacer4, R. Bernabeu4
1Instituto Bernabeu, Biotech, Alicante, Spain
2Instituto Bernabeu, Embriología, Alicante, Spain
3Instituto Bernabeu, Embriología, Madrid, Spain
4Instituto Bernabeu, Medicina Reproductiva, Alicante, Spain
P-534 A fast and non-invasive workflow for the detection of clinical outcomes on mass spectral data from urine: Application to aneuploidies in high-risk pregnancy
R. Pais1, K. Nicolaides2, S. Butler1, R. Zmuidinaite1, S. Keshavarz1, R. Iles1 1MAP Sciences Ltd, Research & Development, Bedford, United Kingdom 2Harris Birthright Centre, Fetal medicine, London, United Kingdom
P-535 Reproductive outcomes after PGT cycles in Turner’s Syndrome
J. Liao1, K. Luo2, G. Lin3, F. Gong1
1Central South University, Institute of Reproductive & Stem Cell Engineering, changsha, China 2Reproductive & Genetic Hospital of CITIC-XIANGYA, reproductive centre, changsha, China 3Central South Universit, Institute of Reproductive & Stem Cell Engineering, changsha, China