Page 118 - Eshre 2018
P. 118
The origin of sperm small ncRNAs
Modifiedfrom QiChen, Wei Yan & Enkui Duan, Nature Reviews Genetics 17, 733–743 (2016)
Spermatogonia Spermatocytes Round Elongating Spermatozoa spermatids spermatids
Sperm RNA‐mediated epigenetic inheritance in mice
• Sperm RNAs mediate intergenerational transmission of paternally acquired phenotypes, including mental stress and metabolic disorders.
• Demonstrated by zygotic injection of isolated sperm total
RNAs or a subset of sperm small ncRNAs
Gapp et al. Nat Neurosci, 2014, Chen et al. Science 2016, Sharma et al. Science 2016
• Particularly, tRNA-derived small RNAs (tsRNAs) have been
shown to mediate epigenetic inheritance of high-fat-diet
(HFD)-induced metabolic disorders. Chen et al. Science 2016
High fat diet / mental stress
Fathers with acquired disorder
Sperm Sperm RNAs
Injection of sperm RNAs to normal zygote
Offspring with inherited disorder
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