P. 116
Sperm Hyperactivation (HA)
A concomitant of capacitation in all Eutherian sperm.
Allows sperm to push their way through the zona pellucida.
Essential for fertilization both in vivo and in vitro: HA failure predicts IVF fertilization failure.
Objectively defined based on flagellar analysis for quantification using CASA on head centroid tracks.
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Average path and ALH
For Cartesian and CASA analysis, the ALH is derived relative to the average path
This derivation uses smoothing – each (x,y) coordinate on the average path is the average of multiple (x,y) coordinates from the actual path
The risers for ALH calculation are defined as the distance between a smoothed (x,y) coordinate and its counterpart on the actual path
So ALH is dependent on a reliable average path
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