Page 34 - Eshre Final Programme 2015
P. 34
Sunday, 14 June I Room: Pessoa (Myriad Crystal Center)
Current information and communication practices in reproductive medicine: challenged by the internet
Organised by the Special Interest Group Ethics and Law and
Socio-cultural aspects of (in)fertility
COURSE COORDINATORS: Wybo Dondorp (The Netherlands), Guido Pennings (Belgium), Veerle Provoost (Belgium), Francoise Shenfield (UK)
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Online communication has entered the field of reproductive medicine as it has other fields of medicine. Patients look for information about treatments or centre ratings on the internet, patients are active on chat forums to exchange experiences, professionals try out new forms of online patient communication, people knowing to be conceived through donor conception try to find donors and sibling on the web. These developments create chances for quality improvement and for empowering patients as well as donor-conceived persons. However, some of these developments also raise concerns with regard to e.g. the quality of online information, the basis for performance ratings available on the web, and how online-communication may change the doctor-patient relationship. The aim of this PCC is to provide an overview of these issues and to provide a platform for discussing how the internet challenges current information and communication practices in reproductive medicine. There will be ample opportunity for discussion among the audience.
TARGET AUDIENCE: The course is meant for congress participants who as professionals (gynaecologists, psychologists, counsellors) or policy makers/advisors have an interest in the use of the internet for informing and communicating with patients, or those who want to gain insights into how the internet is used by their patients.
EDUCATIONAL NEEDS AND EXPECTED OUTCOMES: The course will provide new insights into opportunities and challenges posed by the internet to patient information and communication (both between patients and between patients and physicians). Throughout the day, there will be an analysis of the relevant ethical arguments at stake.
Chairman: Veerle Provoost (Belgium)
09:00 - 09:30
09:30 - 09:45 09:45 - 10:15 10:15 - 10:30 10:30 - 11:00 11:00 - 11:30 11:30 - 11:45 11:45 - 12:15
12:15 - 12:30 12:30 - 13:30
Quality enhancement through online patient-communication about fertility treatment – Jan Kremer (The Netherlands)
Using the internet for recruitment of gamete donors – Robert Klitzman (U.S.A.) Discussion
Coffee break
The new generation patients: the internet as a new tool to access IVF – Luca Gianaroli (Italy) Discussion
Using the internet/social media to educate society about infertility: from prevention to access – Sarah Norcross (United Kingdom)
Lunch break

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