Page 72 - ESHRE2019
P. 72

 Mechanisms leading to chromosomal instability in hPSCs
• ProlongedproportionoftimespentintheS-phaseofthecellcycle • RobustDNAdamageresponse
  Mechanisms leading to chromosomal instability in hPSCs
Role of cell cycle regulation:
• • •
Unique cell cycle of hESCs linked to numerical centrosomal abnormalities during mitosis (Holubcova et al., 2011)
Frequently aberrant chromosomal regions in hiPSCs are enriched for cell cycle-related genes (Mayshar et al., 2010)
Risk for acquiring chromosomal abnormalities early in culture, may make hiPSCs more vulnerable
Zeman and Cimprich, Nature Cell Biology 2014

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