Page 74 - ESHRE2019
P. 74

    HTLV-1 and 2
 Ancient retrovirus, infects CD4 T cells
 Different transmission to HIV, HBV and HCV
 1‐4% adults develop T‐cell leukaemia
 Vertical transmission mainly through breast feeding
 Horizontal sexual transmission risk
higher in males to females (60% risk over 10 years) low in females to males (< 1% risk over 10 years) no vaccine available
 Vertical mother to child transmission risk: 5 ‐ 6%
Empowering the freedom of reproductive choice with wisdo
    HTLV-1 and 2
 Very low prevalence in European fertility population 2.3/10,000 in Sweden
 Targeted screening advised as endemic in:
  Carribean South America Central Africa  Japan
 Use ART only if fertility issues sperm washing not required
 Advised to avoid breast feeding
Empowering the freedom of reproductive choice with wisdo

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