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Despite recognition of infertility as a huge problem ...
... at international conferences and in declarations
UN 1994 - International
... hardly addressed in SRHRand public health programmes
Th e b u r d e n o f l i f e -
Conference on Population threatening conditions
and Development (ICPD) World Health Assembly,
WHO(2017) Sexual health and itslinkagesto reproductive health: an operational approach. Geneva: World Health Organisation.
(HIV/AIDSand maternal mortality)
Sc a r c i t y o f h e a l t h resources(Ombelet 2012)
National policy makers, international donors and national NGOs mutually blame each other for not placing infertility on the SRHR agenda (Nahar 2012)
Current situation in most poor resource countries
Infertility diagnosisand low-tech treatment not offered in systematic way in public health system
“uncoordinated and unproductive help seeking in the formal health care system, unrealistic hopes and the waist of personal and public money.” (Gerritsand Shaw 2010; Dhont et al. 2010; Dyer et al. 2004)
High tech treatments(IVF) only offered in private clinic not affordable for the majority of the population
Hardly any attention for prevention, psycho-social support and de-stigmatization of infertility
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