P. 112
ESHRE SIGA Consensus meeting, 1998
ESHRE 2017: PCC01 © Oozoa Biomedical 2017 9
The Elephant in the Room...
Does this publication render my talk irrelevant...?
Kanakasabapathy et al (2017) An automated smartphone‐based diagnostic assay for point‐of‐care semen analysis. Science Translational Medicine 9(382); 22 Mar 2017 doi: 10.1126/scitranslmed.aai7863
Not really – the platform is different, but the technology is still the same...
“ 1. Processing individual frames of the recorded video and extracting coordinates [...] 2. Tracking the observed positions of sperm across frames by mapping their paths.”
The system couldn’t assess samples with:
1. very low concentrations
2. high concentrations
Motility and concentration assessment by CASA follow the same principles, regardless of platform
ESHRE 2017: PCC01 © Oozoa Biomedical 2017 10
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