P. 19

Slide preview room
ESHRE Courtesy area and E-zone
Hotel Desk
Helsinki Tourism
Banks and exchange foreign currency
Credit cards Electricity Sales Tax
All disputes involving this legal disclaimer shall be governed by Belgian law. In the event of disputes only the courts of Ghent shall be competent.
By using the participant’s badge, you accept the ESHRE policy.
Slide preview facilities will be available in the slide preview room, which is located in room 103A. Presenters are kindly requested to submit their slides on a portable medium at least 60 minutes before presentation!
Pay a visit to our Courtesy Area in the Upper Gallery where you can  nd more information on our membership and upcoming activities.
Part of the Courtesy area is assigned to the so called E-zone, including WiFi area. The E-Zone is an internet facility with various functions. Computer access will
only be possible with a username and password (access details are printed on the participant’s badge). The E-Zone will also have some free spaces where participants can sit and work on their own laptop.
Confedent International Oy has been appointed as the of cial housing agency. For queries regarding hotel reservation, please turn to the hotel desk in the registration area.
The Helsinki tourist of ce has an information desk in the registration area and they will be happy to address all questions related to the city.
Banks are normally open from 10 am to 4 pm and are closed on Saturdays and Sundays. 24-hour cash machines that accept most credit cards such as MasterCard, VISA, Maestro or American Express are widely available around the city center. Travelers’ cheques and currency can be changed at exchange bureaus (e.g. FOREX) or at hotel receptions.
All major credit cards are widely accepted
The electric current in Finland is 220V (230V), and a two-pin plug is used.
Sales tax (VAT) is included in prices quoted. Anyone permanently resident outside the EU and Norway, can shop tax free in Finland. Stores with Tax Free Shopping sign will provide customers with a cheque covering the VAT refund on departure from the last EU country visited.
A technical exhibition of pharmaceutical, surgical and laboratory products will be organized, and is located in Hall 6.

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