P. 18

Admission Badges
The congress badge should be worn by all participants at all times during the congress, during the pre-congress courses, in the exhibit area and within other areas of the congress centre as well as during social activities. Only participants wearing their congress badge will be admitted to the scienti c sessions, to the exhibition and to the social events.
Badge colour codes are as follows:
YELLOW: access to pre-congress courses only
RED: access to main program only (not to the pre-congress courses)
GREEN: access to the exhibit and other congress facilities, but no access to any of the scienti c sessions (i.e. pre-congress courses as well as main program)
Please note that if you lose or misplace your badge, you will be required to pay a 50 Euro fee to have a new badge issued.
By using the participant’s badge, you accept the following terms of use, which are applicable:
Personal data (more speci c your name, address, company or institute working
for, email address, telephone number, fax number) provided to ESHRE by
the participant by email and/or by contact form and/or registration, will be (i) transmitted on the participant’s badge you will receive and (ii) treated by ESHRE con dentially and in conformity with the Belgian Privacy Law. The controller of the data processing is: ESHRE – The European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology, Meerstraat, n° 60, in 1852 Grimbergen, Belgium– Bruno van den Eede, Managing Director.
The Personal data that is collected and may be used by ESHRE for information and promotional campaigns. In compliance with the law of 8 December 1992 on the protection of privacy, upon request, participants can object free of charge to the use of their data for these promotional campaign purposes.
Other than that, personal data are not processed or transmitted by ESHRE to third parties outside ESHRE without the consent of the relevant individuals, unless ESHRE is required to do this by virtue of mandatory legal requirements or rulings by the courts or of cial bodies.
In compliance with the law of 8 December 1992 on the protection of privacy,
ESHRE will remove the participant’s personal data from its database upon request. Furthermore - upon request - registered participants may access and/or correct any erroneous personal data. Any request concerning a participant’s personal data should be made to: The European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology, Meerstraat, n° 60, in 1852 Grimbergen, Belgium.
A bar-code or QR code will be printed on each participant’s badge containing personal data. Exhibitors may be equipped with devices, which – provided that participants agree - will allow them to scan the bar-code or QR code and thus gain access to personal (contact) data. ESHRE cannot assume any responsibility for personal data that is thus given by a participant to the exhibiting companies or their representatives.
Legal disclaimer - Privacy Policy

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