P. 178
P-641 Non invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) in IVF patients
V. Bianchi (Italy)
P-642 Combined Time-Lapse Imaging and Preimplantation Genetic Screening: A valuable strategy for embryo selection
E. Rocafort (Spain)
P-643 A small trophectoderm biopsy sample is suf cient to detect most mosaicisms after analysis with high resolution next generation sequencing (NGS)
G.J. Garrisi (U.S.A.)
P-644 Association of methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase c677t polymorphism with intervillous and decidual pathology in human cases with pregnancy loss
Z. Mehandzhiev (Bulgaria)
P-645 Analysis of DNA from blastocoelic uid (BF) and corresponding trophectoderm (TE) cells by array-CGH and NGS.
A. Pomante (Italy)
P-646 Fastest benchtop Next-Generation Sequencing work ow for Preimplantation Genetic Screening with Ion ReproSeqTM technology
L.A. Alcaraz (Spain)
P-647 Chromosomal analysis from multiple biopsies on blastocysts
A. Crippa (Italy)
P-648 Genome-wide haplotyping of preimplantation embryos in the clinic: principles guiding embryo selection in Leuven
E. Dimitriadou (Belgium)
P-649 First validation of a next-generation sequencing platform for preimplantation genetic diagnosis of reciprocal translocations using polar bodies
S. Taylor (United Kingdom)
P-650 Validation of Next Generation Sequence (NGS) for PGD of structural chromosome abnormalities
K. Bauckman (U.S.A.)
P-651 Multinucleated embryos: to transfer or not to transfer?
M. Parriego (Spain)
P-652 Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) for inherited disorders using Karyomapping with optional preimplantation genetic screening (PGS): diagnostic and clinical outcomes from 576 cycles
S. Jaroudi (U.S.A.)
P-653 Abnormal serum dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate (DHEAS) concentration in in vitro fertilization patients increased embryo aneuploidy assessed by next-generation sequencing technology (NGS)
K. Lukaszuk (Poland)