P. 176

P-614 Number of blastocysts biopsied as a predictive indicator for obtaining at least one normal/ balanced embryo with single nucleotide polymorphism microarray in translocation cases Y. Wang (China)
P-615 Female chromosomal structural abnormalities do not in uence the ovarian response in controlled ovarian stimulation
Z. Shunji (China)
P-616 Investigation of the relationship between telomere length and pregnancy outcome
K. Sawakwongpra (Thailand)
P-617 Dynamics of Eukaryotic Translation Initiation Factor 4 and p70S6K signaling during human primordial-to-primary oocyte transition
E.H. Ernst (Denmark)
P-618 Sperm non-coding RNA pro ling as an indicator of reproductive potential
R. Elias (U.S.A.)
P-619 Alteration of epigenetic pro le in cumulus cells of polycystic ovary syndrome patients
M. Shahhoseini (Iran)
P-620 Male age is not related with high rates of spermatozoa and embryo aneuploidy
B. Lledo (Spain)
P-621 Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing uptake and results among IVF patients in Ontario, Canada: preliminary results
A. Lanes (Canada)
P-622 Intercycle variation in embryo aneuploidy rates
J. Ortiz (Spain)
P-623 Decreased number of mature oocytes in BRCA1 mutation carriers in IVF/PGD
R. Van Golde (The Netherlands)
P-624 Investigating genetic associations with endocrine hormone levels in women undergoing fertility treatment
N. Kumar (U.S.A.)
P-625 Investigating X chromosome structure during mouse pre-implantation development
N. Ranisavljevic (France)
P-626 Oocyte vitri cation is a valid strategy to accumulate gametes for Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis for Aneuploidy using Next Generation Sequencing
S. Chamayou (Italy)
P-627 Endometrial receptivity array (ERA) and the use of personalized embryo transfer (pET) in cases undergoing comprehensive chromosomal screening (CCS) for implantation failure (IF) N. Findikli (Turkey)

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