P. 170
P-543 Factors risk of infertility: what information patients receive before ART?
N. Chevalier (France)
P-544 Children’s, parents’ and donors’ perspectives on family communication about sister-to- sister oocyte donation: a multi family member interview study
G. Pennings (Belgium)
P-545 Fertility preservation to transmen: learning the needs of a new patient group
K. Rodriguez-Wallberg (Sweden)
P-546 Does having a child impact infertile couples’ relationship satisfaction? A longitudinal study with men and women who did and did not achieve a live birth
M.P. Sobral (Portugal)
P-547 Surrogate families in Spain: dif culties perceived of doing the process abroad, perception and relationship with the surrogate and decision over disclosure.
M. Roca (Spain)
P-548 Can pre-treatment emotional health predict pregnancy rates after IVF?
V. Tamhankar (United Kingdom)