P. 168
P-516 Self-ef cacy to deal with infertility and its mediator role between anxiety, negative affect and impact on life domains
A. Galhardo (Portugal)
P-517 Infertility impact on male and female sexuality: a comparative study
C. Glina (Brazil)
P-518 Actor and partner effects between gender role attitudes and fertility-related quality of life (QoL) in dyads of infertile couples
R. Sexty (Germany)
P-519 Women’s perceptions of acupuncture in relation to In Vitro Fertilisation: the body and the mind
S. de Lacey (Australia)
P-520 Effect of religiousness on anxiety and depression in infertile women
C.E. Busso (Brazil)
P-521 Can patients verify their treatment process and its quality? Conclusions from Patients Monitoring over ART centres in Poland
E. Maciejewska-Mroczek (Poland)
P-522 Do parents with offspring following identity-release donation put their disclosure intentions into practice? Follow-up of heterosexual couples with 7 year-old donor-conceived children C. Lampic (Sweden)
P-523 Stress and infertility: a pilot study measuring cortisol levels in the hair of infertile women
L. Beliveau (Canada)
P-524 Motives and considerations regarding PGD in couples carrying a structural chromosomal abnormality – a quantitative analysis
G. De Krom (The Netherlands)
P-525 Breaking the news to children conceived by In Vitro Fertilization: how do parents behave?
H. Creux (France)
P-526 Impact of treatment decisions and signi cance of cultural beliefs in predicting quality of life of Chinese infertile women
M.Y.J. Tam (Hong Kong)
P-527 Professionals’ experiences with patients undergoing e-therapy, a cohort study
A. van Dongen (The Netherlands)
P-528 Mental health of mothers and fathers after successful oocyte donation treatment in pregnancy and early parenthood: a 1- year prospective study
M. Salevaara (Finland)
P-529 Identity-release egg donation in the UK: parents’ disclosure decisions and thoughts about the donor
S. Imrie (United Kingdom)