P. 134

P-108 The correlations between chromosomal distribution of early pregnancy loss and the existence of an embryo as well as the postmortem embryonic pole length after IVF-ET Y. Ouyang (China)
P-109 The effect of Fresh-ET and FET on maternal and neonatal outcomes
L. Sun (China)
P-110 Urinary human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) levels in early pregnancies correlate with serum hCG and may be used for the monitoring of early pregnancy well-being
S. Johnson (United Kingdom)
P-111 Miscarriage risk in women with twice, once and never poor response in two consecutive IVF treatment cycles
T. Honorato (The Netherlands)
P-112 Embryo transfer performed under ultrasound guidance can reduce the risk of caesarean scar pregnancy in women with isthmocele?
D. Baldini (Italy)
P-113 Embryonic aneuploidy: Is it responsible for the increased risk of early pregnancy loss in patients with PCOS?
L. Luo (China)
P-114 Hydroxychloroquine treatment for recurrent pregnancy loss – a pilot study
H. Svarre Nielsen (Denmark)
P-115 Maternal Killer-cell Immunoglobulin-like Receptor (KIR) and fetal HLA-C compatibility in ART- oocyte donor in uences live birth rate
D. Alecsandru (Spain)
P-116 Aneuploidy Screening and Genome Pro ling in Couples with Spontaneous Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
S. Cheung (U.S.A.)
P-117 Effects of previous ectopic pregnancies and the pertaining treatments on in vitro fertilization/intracytoplasmic sperm injection and frozen-thawed embryo transfer outcomes T. Du (China)
P-118 Primary recurrent miscarriage is linked to elevated peripheral natural killer cells
R.J. Kuon (Germany)
P-119 Multiple pregnancy after double embryo transfer is associated with a lower chance of miscarriage
E. Kolman (The Netherlands)
P-120 Limitations of radiological screening tests in detection of subtle incomplete septum or arcuate uterine anomaly in patients with recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL)
O. Abuzeid (U.S.A.)

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