P. 132

P-088 Conventional sperm analysis: is it telling us the whole story?
I. Vilella Amorós (Spain)
P-089 Men born small for gestational age may be at risk of developing male-factor subfertility
S. Liffner (Sweden)
P-090 Sperm source and early embryonic development
J. Kopeika (United Kingdom)
P-091 Strict sperm morphology predicts outcome of intrauterine insemination: a prospective observational study
H. Asakura (Japan)
P-092 Pregnancy after vas deferens sterilization: surgical repermeabilization or assisted reproduction?
V. Uvin (Belgium)
P-093 Human papilloma virus sperm infection and its correlation with in vitro fertilitation
N. Grieco (Italy)
P-094 Association of serum vitamin D with sex hormones and semen quality
A. Kouhkan (Iran)
P-095 Next generation sequencing reveals a novel mutation in the XY-linker region of phospholipase C zeta (PLCζ), resulting in truncated protein and oocyte activation de ciency S.N. Amdani (United Kingdom)

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