Page 76 - Eshre Final Programme 2015
P. 76
17:00 - 18:00 Porto
Invited session: Session 22: Risks and benefits of being male
Chairman: R. Sharpe (United Kingdom) Chairman: L.R. Fraser (United Kingdom)
17:00 O-085
17:30 O-086
Sex-specific aspects of meiotic failure in relation to meiotic checkpoints and genome integrity of germ cells
W.M. Baarends1, A. Enguita1, M. Ooms1, L.H. Looijenga2, G.R. Dohle3, J.A. Grootegoed1
1Erasmus MC, Department of Developmental Biology, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
2Erasmus MC, Department of Pathology Erasmus MC Cancer Institute, Rotterdam, The Netherlands 3Erasmus MC, Department of Urology Erasmus MC Cancer Institute, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Why are males dying younger? Evolutionary and functional aspects of maternal mitochondrial inheritance and mitochondria in ageing
N.J. Gemmell1
1University of Otago, Allan Wilson Centre Department of Anatomy, Dunedin, New Zealand

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