Page 74 - Eshre Final Programme 2015
P. 74
15:15 - 16:30 Evora
Selected oral communications: Session 21: Stress in infertility and endometriosis
Chairman: U. Van den Broeck (Belgium) Chairman: M. Martins (Portugal)
15:15 O-080
15:30 O-081
Men living with endometriosis: perceptions and experiences of male partners of women with the condition
N. Hudson1, L. Culley1, H. Mitchell1, C. Law1, E. Denny2, N. Raine-Fenning3
1De Montfort University, Applied Social Sciences, Leicester, United Kingdom
2Birmingham City University, Centre for Health and Social Care Research, Birmingham, United Kingdom
3University of Nottingham, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences, Nottingham, United Kingdom
E-therapy to reduce symptoms of anxiety and/or depression in women after unsuccessful artificial reproduction technology (ART): a randomised controlled trial
A.J.C.M. Van Dongen1, W.L.D.M. Nelen2, J. IntHout3, J.A.M. Kremer2, C.M. Verhaak4
1Radboud university medical center, obstetrics and gynecology huispostnr 791, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
2Radboud university medical center, obstetrics and gynecology, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
3Radboud university medical center, health evidence section biostatistics, Nijmegen, The Netherlands 4Radboud university medical center, medical psychology, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Three Natural cycle IVF treatment imposes less psychological stress than one conventional IVF treatment cycle
K. Haemmerli Keller1, G. Alder1, M. Faeh2, S. Rohner2, M. Von Wolff2
1University of zurich, clinical psychology, Zurich, Switzerland
2University Women's Hospital, Division of Gynecologic Endocrinology and Reproductive Medicine, Bern, Switzerland
The risk of clinically diagnosed unipolar depression among men in ART treatment – a national register-based cohort study of 37,913 men
C.S. Sejbaek1, A. Pinborg2, I. Hageman3, A.M.S. Sørensen1, J.L. Forman4, L. Schmidt1
1University of Copenhagen Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, Department of Public Health Section of Social Medicine, Copenhagen, Denmark
2Copenhagen University Hospital Hvidovre Hospital, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Copenhagen, Denmark
3Copenhagen University Hospital Rigshopitalet, Psychiatric Center Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
4University of Copenhagen Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, Department of Public Health Section of Biostatistics, Copenhagen, Denmark
15:45 O-082
16:00 O-083

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