Page 24 - Eshre Final Programme 2015
P. 24
Sunday, 14 June I Room: Alcantara + Alfama (Hotel Tivoli Oriente) Global (in)fertility: cross-cultural challenges for counsellors Organised by the Special Interest Group Psychology and Counselling
COURSE COORDINATORS: Uschi Van den Broeck (Belgium) and Sofia Gameiro (United Kingdom/Portugal) COURSE TYPE: Advanced
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Infertility is a global topic although practices and beliefs concerning reproductive medicine vary greatly between countries and cultures. How is involuntary childlessness and the meaning of parenthood experienced in different cultures and in Western and non-Western societies? Do culture and religion have an impact on treatment seeking behaviour and assisted reproductive technology? Does culture affect the way men and women respond to infertility and the stress they experience?
What do we need to know as counsellors and reproductive specialists? What are the current and future challenges as ART becomes more global?
TARGET AUDIENCE: Clinicians, counsellors, psychologists, paramedicals
• To be aware of cross-cultural issues concerning involuntary childlessness, the meaning of parenthood and the experience of infertility and its treatment
• To be aware of social and cultural factors that play a role in infertility
• To be aware of the expectations of medical staff concerning available psychosocial support services and
the variations in expectations across Europe
• To be aware of a tool to measure quality of life related to infertility and how to use it in your clinic
• This course is expected to have impact on the knowledge concerning cross-cultural issues for counsellors and
professionals working in reproductive medicine. It is also expected to challenge current beliefs and practices and provide more in-depth point of view.
Chairman: Sofia Gameiro (Portugal)
09:00 - 09:30
09:30 - 09:45 09:45 - 10:15
10:15 - 10:30 10:30 - 11:00 11:00 - 11:30
11:30 - 11:45 11:45 - 12:15
12:15 - 12:30 12:30 - 13:30
Involuntary childlessness and the meaning of parenthood in different cultures: what do we need to know? – Floor B. van Rooij (The Netherlands)
Medical practices and medicalization of infertility in a western context: how do clinical encounters affect the experiences and views of people with fertility problems and their (further) use of fertility services and technologies? – Trudie Gerrits (The Netherlands)
Coffee break
Cross-cultural dynamics and the social construction of infertility: is it stressful for everyone? – Arthur Greil (U.S.A.)
Infertility and assisted reproduction in the Muslim Middle East: Social, religious, and resource considerations – Marcia Inhorn (U.S.A.)
Lunch break

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