Page 202 - Eshre Final Programme 2015
P. 202
P-279 Polar body analysis by immunofluorescence staining in human multiple pronuclear embryos
M. Tokoro1, N. Fukunaga2, H. Kitasaka2, T. Yoshimura3, F. Tamura2, H. Ohno2, Y. Komori2,
H. Tsuji3, Y. Hattori3, Y. Wakahara2, K. Kinoshita3, M. Kondo2, Y. Yakushi3, Y. Hashiba3, Y. Asada2
1Asada Ladies Clinic Medical Corporation, Asada Institute for Reproductive Medicine, Kasugai, Japan 2Asada Ladies Clinic Medical Corporation, Asada Ladies Nagoya Clinic, Nagoya, Japan
3Asada Ladies Clinic Medical Corporation, Asada Ladies Kachigawa Clinic, Kasugai, Japan
P-280 Human oocyte exposure to 1,2-propanediol obtains similar results compared to the use of dimetil sulphoxide during vitrification by cryotop method
H. Sierra Jimenez1, M. Chirinos2, I. Maldonado1, M.E. Cuellar1, E. Rodriguez1, F. Camargo1, L. Cedillo-Garcia1, R. Sharma3, A. Agarwal3
1Instituto Ingenes, Embriology, Mexico City, Mexico
2Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas y Nutrición “Salvador Zubirán”, Reproduction Biology, Mexico City, Mexico
3Center for Reproductive Medicine Glickman Urological & Kidney Institute Cleveland Clinic, IVF Lab, Cleveland OH, U.S.A.
P-281 The role of in vivo and in vitro maturation time on oocyte nuclear-cytoplasmic dyssynchrony
N. Pereira1, Q.V. Neri1, J.P. Lekovich1, A.P. Melnick1, G.D. Palermo1, Z. Rosenwaks1
1Weill Cornell Medical Center, Ronald O. Perelman and Claudia Cohen Center for Reproductive Medicine, New York, U.S.A.
P-282 An examination of embryo morphokinetics, utilization and pregnancy rates in single-step and sequential culture media systems.
A. Barrie1, E. Taylor1, K. Schnauffer1, C. Kingsland1, S. Troup1
1Liverpool Women's Hospital, The Hewitt Fertility Centre, Liverpool, United Kingdom
P-283 Successful in vitro fertilization and normal early embryo development after cryopreservation using a novel vitrification technique for epididymal spermatazoa
S. Catt1, F. Horta2, S. Jitanantawittaya1, H. Alzobi1, P. Chen1, M. Pangestu1, P. Temple-Smith1
1Monash University, Education Program in Reproduction and Development Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Melbourne, Australia
2Clinica las Condes, Reproductive medicine Unit Dept. Obstetrics and Gyneacology, Santiago, Chile
P-284 Higher pregnancy rate of embryos with synchronous transition from the 2-cell stage to the 4-cell stage (t4-t3)
L. Sela1, S. Mittenzwei1, N. Rogenhofer1, K. Friese1, V. Von Schönfeldt1
1Klinikum der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Hormon- und Kinderwunschzentrum, München, Germany
P-285 Vitrif-augmentation: cumulative live birth rate per oocyte retrieval at first IVF cycle in a single embryo transfer policy.
A. Guillaume1, V. Poirier1, N. Guyomard1, S. Bonne1, J. Ohl1, K. Bettahar1, C. Rongieres1, L. Schindler1, B. Feger1, L. Moreau1, M. Spizzo1, I. Lichtblau1, O. Pirrello1
1CMCO -Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg, ART center, Strasbourg, France