Page 200 - Eshre Final Programme 2015
P. 200
P-264 Time-lapse analysis of 1264 embryo compaction: how many cells are necessary?
C. Splingart1, A. Catteau1, J. Lammers1, A. Reignier1, P. Barriere1, T. Freour2
2EUGIN, Reproducción Asistida, BARCELONA, Spain
P-265 Outcome of vitrified-warmed blastocysts derived from poor-quality cleavage stage embryos
G. Cauffman1, L. Van Landuyt1, N. De Munck1, H. Tournaye1, H. Van de Velde1, G. Verheyen1
1UZ Brussel, Center for Reproductive Medicine, Brussels, Belgium
P-266 Follicular fluid biomarkers for oocyte quality in human in vitro fertilization: Proof of principle.
F. Chen1, S. Carpentier2, T. D’Hooghe1, C. Spiessens1
1Leuven University Hospital Campus Gasthuisberg, Leuven University Fertility Centre, Leuven, Belgium
2K.U.Leuven, Facility for Systems Biology Based Mass Spectrometry (SYBIOMA), Leuven, Belgium
P-267 Sperm DNA integrity and its effect on embryo development: a retrospective Time Lapse study
T. Lundberg1, F. Hambiliki1, F. Sonden1, E. Akerlund1, M. Bungum1
1Skanes University Hospital Reproductive Medicine Centre Malmö Sweden, Reproductive Medicine Centre, Malmö, Sweden
P-268 Are TrpV3 channels present in human oocytes to mediate strontium-induced artificial activation?
Y. Lu1, M. Ferrer Buitrago1, J. Neupane1, W.H. De Vos2, E. Van den Abbeel1, M. Vander Jeught1, P. De Sutter1, B. Heindryckx1
1Ghent university hospital, Department for Reproductive Medicine Ghent Fertility And Stem cell Team (G-FAST), Ghent, Belgium
2University of Antwerp, Department of Veterinary Sciences, Antwerp, Belgium
P-269 Time-Lapse versus bench incubator - a prospective randomized study comparing embryo outcome of sibling oocytes
D. Hadari1, E. Kasterstein1, D. Strassburger1, O. Bern1, B. Maslansky1, Y. Gidoni1, A. Raziel1, I. Ben-Ami1, Y. Barkat1, R. Ron-El1
1Asaf Harofe Medical Center, IVF unit, Zerifin, Israel
P-270 A higher cumulative pregnancy rate in elective cohort embryo freezing than fresh transfer with subsequent frozen embryo transfer in IVF/ICSI cycles in high responders
S.U. Chen1, G.C. Jou1, C.H. Chung1, Y.T. Chiang1, H.F. Chen1, M.J. Chen1, M.Y. Wu1, Y.S. Yang1
1National Taiwan University Hospital, Dept. of Ob/Gyn, Taipei, Taiwan R.O.C.
P-271 Time-lapse monitoring and morphokinetic parameters predictive of embryo implantation: the lack of inter cohort reproducibility
A. Reignier1, J. Lammers1, C. Splingart1, A. Catteau1, L. David2, P. Barrière1, T. Fréour3
1CHU Nantes, Biologie et médecine de la reproduction, Nantes, France 2INSERM, UMR 1064, Nantes, France
3Clinica EUGIN, Reproducción Asistida, Barcelona, Spain

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