Page 169 - Eshre Final Programme 2015
P. 169
P-078 Anatomic Vascular Variations In Sub-Inguinal Varicocelectomy
I. Orhan1, S. Cayan2, A. Karakeci1
1Firat University Hospital, Urology, Elazig, Turkey 2Mersin University Hospital, Urology, Mersin, Turkey
P-079 Relationship between Urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) in seminal plasma and spermatozoa with human sperm parameters
J.C. Martinez-Soto1, J. Gadea2, M. Mollá3, L. Fernandez4, M. Nicolas4, J. Landeras4
1IVI Murcia, Andrology laboratory, Murcia, Spain 2University of Murcia, Physiology, Murcia, Spain 3IVI Murcia, FIV Laboratory, Murcia, Spain
4IVI Murcia, Reproduction, Murcia, Spain
P-080 Semi-quantitative assessment of superoxide anions in neat semen using OxiSperm®: a survey to compare visual, spectrophotometric and image analysis results
M. De la Casa1, M.C. Cañadas1, S.D. Jonhston2, J. Gosálvez3
1Ginefiv, Andrology-IVF Lab, Madrid, Spain
2The University of Queensland, School of Agriculture and Food Science, Gatton, Australia 3Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Unit of Genetics Department of Biology, Madrid, Spain
P-081 The emerging epigenetic role of altered chromatin condensing factors in male (in)fertility
R. Favaedi1, M. Shahhoseini1, Z. Eelaminejad1, N. Heydaryan1, F. Mirzaei Nasab1, M.A. Sadighi Gilani2
1Department of Genetics at Reproductive Biomedicine Research Center, Royan Institute for Reproductive BiomedicineACECR, Tehran, Iran
2Department of Andrology at Reproductive Biomedicine Research Center, Royan Institute for Reproductive BiomedicineACECR, Tehran, Iran
P-082 Analysis of nuclear spermatic quality: sperm DNA integrity, chromatin condensation and aneuploidy in men with total non syndromic teratozoospermia.
A. Braham1, H. Ghédir1, I. Zidi jrah1, A. Sallem1, A. Saad1, S. Ibala Romdhane1
1Hospital Farhat-Hached, Cytogenetics Laboratory Molecular Genetics and Biology of Human Reproduction, Sousse, Tunisia
P-083 Effect of positive bacteriospermia on IVF results
N. Frydman1, M.E. Naud1, L. Hesters1, N. Bourgeois2, R. Fanchin3, F. Doucet Populaire3
1Centre Hosp. Antoine Béclère, Service Biologie Genetique de la Reproduction, Clamart Cedex, France
2Centre Hosp. Antoine Béclère, Service de Microbiologie, Clamart Cedex, France
3Centre Hosp. Antoine Béclère, Service Gynécologie Obstétrique et Reproduction, Clamart, France