Page 168 - Eshre Final Programme 2015
P. 168
P-071 A combination of eight micronutrients is superior to a mono preparation comparing improvement of variant groups of impaired sperm motility
F. Bodner1, M. Lipovac2, M. Imhof2
1Landesklinikum Weinviertel Korneuburg, Korneuburg, Austria 2Landesklinikum Weinviertel Korneuburg, Gynaecology, Korneuburg, Austria
P-072 Mycoplasmas and Ureaplasmas Infection and Male Infertility:A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
C. Huang1, H. Zhu1, L. Fan2, W. Zhu2
1Central South University, Institute of Reproduction and Stem Cell Engineering, Changsha Hunan, China 2Reproductive & Genetic Hospital of CITIC-Xiangya, Sperm bank, Changsha Hunan, China
P-073 Short-term hypothermic storage of human spermstozoa in electrolyte free medium (EFM): outcomes of 96 IVF cycles
D.A. Isaev1, I.V. Kapralova1, E.V. Zakharova1, T.V. Kartavenko1, I.S. Krivokharchenko1, O.O. Zharskaya1, V.V. Zaletova2
1Center for reproductive medicine MAMA, Embryology, Moscow, Russia C.I.S.
2Center for reproductive medicine MAMA, Medical department, Moscow, Russia C.I.S.
P-074 Who is the most suitable candidate for varicocele ligation? – Findings from a cross-sectional survey in a cohort of infertile Caucasian-European patients
A. Serino1, L. Boeri1, E. Ventimiglia1, S. Ippolito1, A. Pecoraro1, M. Paciotti1, P. Capogrosso1, G. Castagna1, F. Castiglione1, A. Russo1, U. Capitanio1, F. Cantiello2, R. Damiano2, A. Salonia1
1IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele, Division of Experimental Oncology/Unit of Urology URI, Milan, Italy 2Magna Graecia University, Research Doctorate Program in Urology, Catanzaro, Italy
P-075 Routine determination of sperm DNA fragmentation incorporating the Sperm Degradation index (SDi) is a useful noninvasive biomarker to identify patients with varicocele in seminograms
J.L. Fernandez1, J. Gosalvez2, C. Lopez-Fernandez2, S.D. Johnston3, S.C. Esteves4
1Complexo Hospitalario Universitario A Coruña, Genetics Unit, La Coruña, Spain 2Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Genetics Unit, Madrid, Spain
3University of Queensland, School of Agriculture and Food Science, Gatton, Australia 4Androfert Centro de Reprodução Masculina, Andrology, Sao Paulo, Brazil
P-076 Genetic variability in bitter/sweet taste related genes and male infertility
P. Piomboni1, D. Locci2, D. Campa2, L. Crifasi1, A. Capaldo1, M. Gori1, A. Luddi1, R. Barale2
1University of Siena, Dept. of Molecular and Developmental Medicine, Siena, Italy 2University of Pisa, Dept. of Biology, Pisa, Italy
P-077 In male factor infertility, the sperm aneuploidies of chromosomes 16 and 18 correlate with polymorphism of follicle-stimulating hormone receptor
I. Zhylkova1, O. Feskov1, I. Feskova1, A. Ivanova2, O. Somova1
1Centre of Human Reproduction Sana-Med, IVF, Kharkiv, Ukraine
2Centre of Human Reproduction Sana-Med Municipal Enterprise Clinic, IVF Urological Department, Kharkiv, Ukraine