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Centre accreditation of subspecialist training programme in Reproductive Medicine


UEMS – OB/GYN Section 


While the certification by ESHRE® is based on compliance with certain objective criteria at a given point in time, certification cannot - under any circumstance - be a guarantee for successful future treatments. ESHRE®, its agents or any of its personnel shall not be liable, in any way, for (in)direct or consequential damages that might occur following the certification (such as - but not limited to - damage to third parties).


Across Europe, fertility treatment demand is increasing because couples are delaying family and fertility decreases with the age of the partners. The management of subfertile couples and the development of assisted reproductive techniques (ART) need a multidisciplinary approach and require subspecialist training in areas such as in endocrinology, andrology, reproductive surgery, reproductive biology, genetics, psychology and early pregnancy complications.

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