Page 70 - ESHRE2019
P. 70
MONDAY, 24 JUNE 2019
10:00 - 11:30 Strauss 1+2
Session 07: Children’s health outcomes in MAR
Chairs: Z. Veleva (Finland) A. Feki (Switzerland)
10:00 O-033
Health of 2 year-old singletons born after in vitro maturation of oocytes compared to peers born after controlled ovarian stimulation: results from a cohort study
F. Belva1, M. Bonduelle1, M. Roelants2, S. Vermaning1, A. Buysse1, S. Desmyttere1, F. De Schrijver1, J. De Schepper3, F. Hes1, H. Tournaye4, M. De Vos4
1UZ Brussel, Medical Genetics, Jette- Brussels, Belgium
2Environment and Health/Youth Health Care- KU Leuven, Department of Public Health and Primary Care, Leuven, Belgium
3UZ Brussel, Department of Paediatric Endocrinology, Jette- Brussels, Belgium 4UZ Brussel, Center for Reproductive Medicine, Jette- Brussels, Belgium
Perinatal outcomes from vitrified blastocysts following prolonged initial embryo culture
N. Gibson1, B. Marron2, C. Noble1, R. Fleming1, M. Gaudoin3 1GCRM, Laboratory, Glasgow, United Kingdom
2University of Glasgow, Medical, Glasgow, United Kingdom 3GCRM, Medical, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Obstetric and perinatal risks in 8,368 singletons and 1,167 twins conceived after fresh and frozen blastocyst transfers in the Nordic countries – a CoNARTaS collaboration
A.L. Spangmose Pedersen1, S. Opdahl2, S. Malchau3, E. Ginström Ernstad3, L.B. Romundstad2, W. Ulla-Britt3, C. Bergh4, A.K. Henningsen1, A. Pinborg1
1The Fertility Clinic- Copenhagen University Hospital- Rigshospitalet- Copenhagen- Denmark, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, København, Denmark
2Norwegian University of Science and Technology- Trondheim- Norway, Department of Public Health and Nursing- Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Trondheim, Norway
3Institute of Clinical Sciences- Sahlgrenska Academy, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Sahlgrenska, Sweden
4Reproductive Medicine- Sahlgrenska University Hospital- Gothenburg, Sweden, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology- Institute of Clinical Sciences, Gothenburg, Sweden
10:15 O-034
10:30 O-035