Page 331 - ESHRE2019
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 P-781 Ovarian stimulation response and extended embryo culture, but not assisted zona hatching, correlate to monozygotic multiple pregnancies
R. Mättner1, M.R. Maduro1, E. Strehler2, K. Sterzik2
1Nextclinic MVZ fuer Kinderwunsch und Praenatalmedizin GmbH Praxisklinik Frauenstrasse, Ivf-Laboratory, Ulm, Germany
2Nextclinic MVZ fuer Kinderwunsch und Praenatalmedizin GmbH Praxisklinik Frauenstrasse, Reproductive Medicine, Ulm, Germany
P-782 Third party reproduction: The Italian Society of Human Reproduction (SIRU) consensus meeting
A. Guglielmino1, P. Viganò1, L. Montano1, A. Allegra1, A. Liprino1, F. Giacone1, S. Palini1, A. Paffoni1, M. Baldi1, Z. Donarelli1, F. Tomei1, D. Carone1, E. Papaleo1, P. Inaudi1, E. Somigliana1
1Italian Society of Human Reproduction SIRU, consensus meeting working group, Rome, Italy
P-783 Long term management of OHSS syndrome in a large patient population
E. Porcu1, G. Damiano1, L. Cipriani1, F. Sacilotto1, I. Roncarati1, F. Vergine2, G.M. Cillo1 1University of Bologna, Human Reproductive Medicine Unit, Bologna, Italy
2University of Pisa, Infertility and IVF center, Pisa, Italy
P-784 Outcome in singletons born after vitrification and slow-freeze – a CoNARTaS study of 11,773 singletons born after frozen embryo transfer in Sweden and Denmark
E. Ginström Ernstad1, S. Opdahl2, A.L. Spangmose3, U.B. Wennerholm1, C. Bergh4, A. Pinborg3, S.S. Malchau1
1Institute of Clinical Science- Sahlgrenska Academy- Gothenburg University- East Hospital- Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Gothenburg, Sweden
2Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences- Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Public Health and Nursing, Trondheim, Norway
3The Fertility Clinic- Rigshospitalet Copenhagen University Hospital, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Copenhagen, Denmark
4Institute of Clinical Science- Sahlgrenska Academy- Gothenburg University- Reproductive Medicine- Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Gothenburg, Sweden
P-785 Use of a subcutaneous catheter (I-port Advance) during ovarian stimulation in oocyte donors before IVF does not affect the clinical outcomes compared to conventional injections
J.F. Solorzano Vazquez1, L.G. Villar Munoz1, I. Maldonado Rosas2, E. Bonifacio Leon3, I. Jimenez Medina2, C. Torres1
1Centro de Innovación Tecnologia y Medicina Reproductiva CITMER, Medical Area, Mexico City, Mexico 2Centro de Innovación Tecnologia y Medicina Reproductiva CITMER, IVF Lab, Mexico City, Mexico 3Centro de Innovación Tecnologia y Medicina Reproductiva CITMER, Medical Area, Monterrey, Mexico
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