Page 278 - ESHRE2019
P. 278

P-506 The role of genetic counselling in reproductive decision making: an overview of the literature
I. Slegers1, E. Buyse1, J. Nekkebroeck1, C. Winter1, F. Belva1, F. Hes1, M. Bonduelle1 1University hospital Brussels UZB, Medical genetics, Brussel, Belgium
P-507 Stress and the impact on assisted reproductive technology (ART) outcomes
M. Geisler1, S. Meaney2, J. Waterstone1, K. O’Donoghue3
1Waterstone Clinic, Reproductive Medicine, Cork, Ireland
2Cork University Maternity Hospital, National Perinatal Epidemiology Centre, Cork, Ireland 3Cork Univarsity Maternity Hospital, INFANT centre, Cork, Ireland

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