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Psychology and counselling
P-479 Identification of research priorities in infertility and assisted reproduction: a multicenter study in partnership with patients
D. Garcia Garcia1, S. Brazal1, F. Lindenberg2, E. Toft2, A. La Marca3, R. Borras4, A. Lorenzon5, M.B. Chehin5, M. Ripero6, I. Madero7, M. Ricardo8, A. Bolivar9, A. Rodriguez1, R. Vassena1
1Clinica Eugin, Assisted reproduction, Barcelona, Spain
2Copenhagen Fertility Center, Assisted reproduction, Copenhagen, Denmark 3Eugin Modena, Assisted reproduction, Modena, Italy
4CIRH, Assited reproduction, Barcelona, Spain
5Huntington, Assisted reproduction, São Paulo, Brazil
6Fecunmed, Assisted reproduction, Barcelona, Spain
7Eugin Colombia, Assisted reproduction, Bogotá, Colombia
8Pró-CRIAR, Assisted reproduction, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
9Eugin Madrid, Assisted reproduction, Madrid, Spain
P-480 Experience of and coping with recurrent miscarriages: Risk for depression, anxiety and restricted social support
R.J. Kuon1, P. Voss1, B. Ditzen2, T. Strowitzki1, T. Wischmann2, M. Schick2
1University Hospital, Department of Gynecological Endocrinology and Fertility Disorders, Heidelberg, Germany 2University Hospital, Institute of Medical Psychology- Centre for Psychosocial Medicine, Heidelberg, Germany
P-481 Even in a population of patients satisfied of their medical care, ART burden remains an important issue to be addressed
B. Courbière1, M. Grynberg2, A. Grelat3, V. Rio4, C. Solignac5, E. Arbo5
1Hôpital de la Conception- AP-HM, Department of Reproductive Medicine, Marseille, France
2Hôpital Antoine-Béclère, Department of Reproductive Medicine & Fertility Preservation, Clamart, France 3Clinique Pasteur, Centre Mistral, Guilherand-Granges, France
4Collectif BAMP, Association de patients de l’AMP et de personnes infertiles, Quincy sous Sénart, France 5Gedeon Richter France, Medical Department, Paris, France
P-482 Working conditions and fertility quality of life (FertiQoL): a cross-sectional study in Japan
E. Maeda1, O. Hiraike2, K. Murata1, H. Sugimori3, Y. Osuga2
1Akita University Graduate School of Medicine, Environmental Health Sciences, Akita, Japan 2The University of Tokyo, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Tokyo, Japan
3Daito Bunka Univerisity, Department of Nursing, Tokyo, Japan
P-483 Psychological stress at the time of transvaginal ultrasound guided oocyte retrieval does not adversely affect in-vitro fertilization outcomes: A prospective observational study
W.C. Cheung1, P.S. Chan1, J.P.W. Chung1, T.C. Li1
1The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Department of obstetrics and Gynaecology, Shatin- New Territories, Hong Kong
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