Page 72 - ESHRE2019
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50 % of patients below cut‐of of 35 nmol/l (11ng/ml) 35nmo/l = 11 ng/ml Alsbjerg B et al, RBMO, 2018 Serum progesterone less than 35 nmol/l results in a 14% lower ongoing pregnancy rate * adjusted for maternal age, BMI, smoking, number of embryos transferred and blastocyst age (day 5 or 6). Alsbjerg B et al., RBMO, 2018 Adjusted* P4 <35nmol/L P4 ≥35nmol/L OR Risk Diff p‐value Ongoing Pregnancy Rate (week 12) per ET % 44 58 0.54 14 % 0.02 70 67