Page 78 - ESHRE2019
P. 78

 Secondary markers
What isacompetent oocyte?
Implantationof theright embryo ever ybody i s happy
Non-implantationof theright embryo everybody isfrustrated
Implantationof thewrongembryo ever ybody i s sad
Non-implantationof thewrongembryo we shoul d be happy
Implantationof theright embryo– thewrongplace r eal l y bad l uck
Controlled non-implantation opt i mi zat i on ?
               Gamet ogembryokompetence
 “Thespontaneousabortion isnot theproblem –it isthesolution !
Theproblem istheoccurrenceof an implantation that shouldn't have happened“
 Photo by T.Høst and S.Ziebe

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