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 P-519 Effects of natural honey, as a new cryoprotectant, on viability and genes expression of vitrified mouse blastocysts
P. Kazemi1, M. Dashtizad2, F. Sarmadi2, S. Fayazi2, S. Esfandiari2, P. Tirgar Bahnamiri3, L. Sotoodeh2 1McGill University, Department of Biology, Montreal, Canada
2National Institute of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology NIGEB, Animal Biotechnology, Tehran, Iran 3McGill University, Biological and Biomedical Engineering, Montreal, Canada
P-520 Slow passive freezing for ovarian tissue shows comparable in vitro activation of primordial follicles with no difference in apoptosis compared to traditional controlled slow freezing.
S. Lierman1, K. Tilleman1, R. Cornelissen2, P. De Sutter1
1Ghent University Hospital Ghent Fertility and Stem cell Team, Department for Reproductive Medicine, Gent, Belgium
2Faculty of Medicine and Health, Department of Basic Medical Science, Ghent, Belgium
P-521 Autologous oocyte vitrification: outcomes assessment
D. Montjean1, C. Geoffroy-Siraudin1, M.J. Gervoise-Boyer1, A. Amar-Hoffet1, P. Boyer1 1Hopital Saint Joseph, Médecine et Biologie de la Reproduction, Marseille, France
P-522 UV irradiation of freeze-dried human sperm shows high DNA integrity as compared to conventionally frozen sperm.
A. Arav1, Y. Natan2, P. Levi Setti3, M. Leong4, P. Patrizio5
1Fertilesafe Ltd., R&D, Nes-Ziona, Israel
2Fertilesafe Ltd., Research and Development, Nes-Ziona, Israel
3Humanitas Fertility Center- Humanitas Research Hospital, Department of Gynaecology, Milan, Italy 4The Women’s Clinic, The Women’s Clinic, Hong Kong
5Yale Fertility Center & Fertility Preservation, Obstetrics- Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences, New Haven, U.S.A.
P-523 Follow-up of elective oocyte cryopreservation for age-related reasons: utilisation of vitrified oocytes and reproductive outcomes of women who return.
E. Maes1, J. Nekkebroeck1, H. Tournaye1, N. De Munck1, M. De Vos1
1Universitair Ziekenhuis Brussel, Centre for Reproductive Medicine, Brussels, Belgium
P-524 Serum AMH as predictor of ovarian stimulation outcome among women undergoing oocyte cryopreservation prior to breast cancer treatment
I. Wikander1, K.A. Rodriguez-Wallberg2
1Karolinska UNiversity Hospital, Reproductive Medicine, Stockholm, Sweden
2Karolinska University Hospital and Karolinska Institutet, Department of Reproductive Medicine and Oncology-Pathology, Stockholm, Sweden
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