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 P-341 Effects of Vitamin D supplementation on Assisted Reproduction Technology (ART) outcomes: an interim analysis of a randomized double-blind multicenter placebo-controlled trial
V. Sarais1, S. Ferrari2, M. Reschini2, A. Paffoni2, G. Cermisoni3, S. Signorelli4, E. Papaleo4, P. Viganò3, E. Somigliana5
1IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Centro Scienze Natalità, MILANO MI, Italy
2Infertility Unit- Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda- Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico- Via M. Fanti 6- 20122- Milan-Italy, Infertility Unit, Milano, Italy
3Division of Genetics and Cell Biology- IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute- 20132 Milan- Italy, Infertility Unit, Milano, Italy
4Centro Scienze Natalità- IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute- 20132 Milan- Italy-, Infertility Unit, milano, Italy
5Infertility Unit- Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda- Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico- Via M. Fanti 6- 20122- Milan-Italy - University of Milan- Via della Commenda 10- 20122- Milan- Italy, Infertility Unit, milano, Italy
P-342 Only patient age - and not stimulation or relationship status - affects IUI outcome in 13-year single-centre series of 8995 consecutive cycles
E. Linara1, J.J. Wang1, G. Lamanna1, S. Nair1, N. Macklon1, K. Ahuja1 1The London Women's Clinic, Embryology, London, United Kingdom
P-343 Vascular endothelial growth factor polymorphism (C>T, rs3025010) can predict recurrent implantation failure
A. Renzi1, L. Vagnini1, B. Petersen1, C.G. Petersen1,2, A.L. Mauri1,2, M.C. Mattila2, V.A. Comar2, J. Ricci2, F. Dieamant1,2, J.B.A. Oliveira1,2, R.L.R. Baruffi1,2, J.G. Franco Jr1,2
1Paulista Centre for Diagnosis- Research and Training, Research, Ribeirao Preto, Brazil 2Centre for Human Reproduction Prof Franco Jr, Research, Ribeirao Preto, Brazil
P-344 A new biochemical approach to detect oxidative stress in infertile women undergoing assisted reproductive technology procedures
R. Fucci1, C. Giachini2, M. Becatti2, A. Mannucci2, R. Picone1, F. Bertocci1, P. Falcone1, E. Borrani1, M.G. Servidio1, L. Badolato1, L. Criscuoli1, C. Fiorillo2, M.E. Coccia2
1Careggi University Hospital, Assisted Reproductive Technology, Florence, Italy
2University of Florence, Experimental and Clinical Biomedical Sciences "Mario Serio", Florence, Italy
P-345 Reproductive outcomes in patients with a history of retained products of conception after delivery versus abortion
H. Ganer Herman1, Z. Kogan1, D. Tairy1, M. Ben Zvi1, R. Kerner1, S. Ginath1, J. Bar1, Y. Mizrachi1, R. Sagiv1
1Edith Wolfson Medical Center, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Holon, Israel
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