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• Although autologous stem cell therapy is considered quite safe, the efficacy is not well established.
• We may never see stem cell therapy reach its full potential unless the field provides compelling evidence from adequately controlled trials that meet regulatory standards.
• That is exactly the aim of our project, ‐ to develop the evidence needed to ensure that innovation in this field delivers on its promise for patient care.
IFD‐Grand Solutions 2017‐Sheikh/CVR
• Haahr MK, Jensen CH, Toyserkani NM, Andersen DC, Damkier P, Sørensen JA, Lund L, Sheikh SP. Safety and potential effeckt of a single intracaverous injection of autologous adipose‐ derived regenerative cells in patients with erectile dysfunction following radical prostatectomy: An open‐label phase I clinical trial. EBioMedicine. 2016,
• Lyngdorf P, Hemmingsen L. Epidemology of erectile dysfunction and its risk factors: a practise based study in Denmark. Int J Impot Res. 2004;16(2):105‐11
• Carvalheira AA, Pereira NM, Maroco J, Forjaz V. Dropout in the treatment of erectile dysfunction with PDE5: a study on predictors and a qualitative analysis of reasons for discontinuation. J Sex Med. 2012;9(9):2361‐9.
• Toyserkani NM, Jensen CH, Sheikh SP, Sorensen JA: Cell‐Assisted Lipotransfer Using Autologous Adipose‐Derived Stromal Cells for Alleviation of Breast Cancer‐Related Lymphedema. Stem Cells Transl Med 2016;5:857‐859
• Gimble JM; Bunnel BA; and Guilak F. Human adipose cells: an update on the transition to clinical translation. Regen. Med. 2012;7:225‐235
• Maumus M; Peyrafitte JA; D’Angelo R et al. Native Human adipose stromal cells: localization, morphology and phenotype. Int. J. Obesity (London) 2011;35:1141‐1153
• Lin CS; Xin ZC; Dai J et al. Stem Cell Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction. Expert Opin. Bio. Ther.. 2013;13(11):1585‐97
• Zuk et al 2002. Human adipose tissue is a source of multipotent stem cells. Mol Biol Cell 2002.
• Aggarwal and Pittenger 2005. Human mesenchymal stem cells modulate allogeneic immune cell responses. Blood, 2005.
• Yagi et al. 2010. Mesenchymal Stem cells: Mechanisms of Immunomodulation and Homing. IFD‐GCreanlldTSroaluntisopnlsa2n0t1.7‐2S0he1ik0h;/C1V9R(6):667‐679.
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